The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (The Ministry) saw the need to update the aging and malfunctioning heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system of the 16,500-square-foot Netherlands Ambassador’s Residence.
As an initial step, Baumann performed a condition assessment of the MEP systems and retro-commissioning (RCx) for the air-handling units (AHU). The Ministry followed Baumann’s recommendations for a more energy-efficient and reliable HVAC system by:
- Installing right-sized high-efficiency chiller with waterside economizer
- Connecting all equipment to a new building automation system that allows trending for ongoing system optimization
- Converting all pumps to variable speed
- Implementing CO2 controlled ventilation
- Replacing fan coils with new units with electronically commutated (EC) fan motors and insulated enclosures to reduce noise and energy consumption during operation
- Removing the inefficient domestic water heaters and connecting the system to the existing boiler
Baumann then developed the bidding documents for the implementation of all identified measures, responded to questions, and evaluated the proposals.
Throughout the installation, Baumann provided construction management on behalf of The Ministry and commissioned the HVAC systems after the completed installation.