Watergate West

Baumann Consulting is providing Benchmarking Verification, BEPS Baseline Adjustment and Compliance Consulting, and Re-Commissioning services.

The 307,722-square-foot Watergate West is located at 2700 Virginia Ave NW, Washington, DC. Watergate West must comply with the District’s current Building Energy Performance Standard (BEPS).

The Watergate West’s 2019 Energy Star score is 32 (as recorded in the District’s BEPS disclosure database). This means it falls below the minimum allowed Energy Score of 66 set by BEPS for multi-family residential buildings. Buildings that fall below the threshold for their building type have five years to take measures to comply with BEPS to avoid financial penalties for non-compliance. For the first cycle of BEPS (BEPS-1), due to COVID-19, there are options for one-year delays in reporting and compliance.

With the COVID-19 delay, properties that did not meet the 2021 standard will be evaluated based on building performance in 2026.

The Watergate West’s current energy sources are electricity, natural gas, and chilled water. The chilled water is used for space cooling and is provided by the Watergate Complex’s central plant which is operated by Vicinity Energy. For heating and domestic hot water generation, the Watergate West has in-house, gas-fired boilers, which were installed in 2019.

Baumann Consulting provided benchmarking verification, BEPS baseline adjustment and compliance consulting, and re-commissioning for Watergate West.


Washington, D.C.
Watergate West, Inc.
307,722 ft² | 28,500 m²
Optimierung von Bestandsgebäuden, Benchmarking, Energieaudit, Energieeffizienzberatung
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