DCSEU 2022 Save Energy Program – Energy Audit & Analysis

Baumann Consulting was selected as a service provider for the DCSEU 2022 Save Energy Program - Energy Auditing and Analysis for low-income housing.

The District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Efficiency Utility (DCSEU) implemented the Save Energy Program to create a pool of qualified service providers for a broad range of energy efficiency services through an indefinite-quantity contract (IQC).

The purpose of the DCSEU is to design and administer programs in the District to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through a wide range of measures (increase energy efficiency and renewable energy generating capacity, reduce the growth of peak electricity demand and growth of energy demand of the largest energy users), increase the number of green-collar jobs in the District, and support businesses within the District.

Baumann Consulting was selected as a service provider for the DCSEU 2022 Save Energy Program – Energy Auditing and Analysis for low-income housing. The scope includes ASHRAE Level 1, 2, and 3 energy audits. Additionally, opportunities for building electrification will be identified and assessed.

We will leverage our long-time expertise with energy audits as well as our more recent work supporting facilities seeking BEPS compliance to support this program. To start, we are providing these services for the following properties:

  • 4101 W Street NW
  • 2929 Connecticut Ave NW
  • 600 Barnes St NE


Washington, D.C.
District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Efficiency Utility (DCSEU)
TBD – Indefinite Quantity Contract
Benchmarking, Energieaudit, Energieeffizienzberatung
Coordinates of this location not found