Flint Gas City Training Facility

Flint, Michigan Gas City Training Facility

Consumers Energy developed a training facility in Flint, MI where over 1,500 employees undergo simulations of real-life scenarios encountered during the daily operations and maintenance of various plants under their portfolio. This facility plays a crucial role in training employees who are involved in building, maintaining, or operating natural gas infrastructure, while also offering essential…

Village of Oak Park 7-Building Energy Audit

Village of Oak Park Chicago, IL

The adoption of „Climate Ready Oak Park“ by the Village Board on August 1, 2022, represents a significant step towards addressing the global climate crisis at the local level. The plan outlines ambitious goals and concrete actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and building resilience within the community. The key commitments of the…

Eden’s Corporate Center

Eden’s Corporate Center Northbrook, IL

Eden’s Corporate Center, situated in Northbrook, IL, is a Class A all-electric office complex featuring two interconnected 4-story buildings linked by a tenant lounge. The HVAC system comprises eight 60-ton DX rooftop units (RTU’s) serving both buildings, along with 19-unit heaters designated for the indoor garage space located in the basement. An investigation revealed that…

Academy for Global Citizenship

Academy For Global Citizenship PHUIS Entrance

The Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC) is a dual-language and International Baccalaureate public charter school providing both early childhood and K-8 education on the southwest side of Chicago, IL. It has been designed for net-zero energy, water, and waste operations to achieve the full IFLI Living Building Challenge and PHIUS certifications. The project features photovoltaic…

Heartland Community College Agricultural Complex

Heartland Community College Agricultural Complex Construction

Heartland Community College’s new Agricultural Complex in Normal, IL features classrooms, offices, a flexible lab space, and an indoor greenhouse. The complex includes high-performance systems including low-temperature radiant slabs, triple-pane glazing, ground-source heat recovery chillers, and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems. The project achieved the IFLI Net Zero Energy certification. The site program consisted of a stormwater…

Mount Sinai Surgery Center – Ogden Commons

Mount Sinai Surgery Center Ogden Commons

Ogden Commons is a three-story mixed-use acute healthcare facility and retail building located in Chicago, IL. The building is characterized by approximately 10,560 ft² of retail space, including a dialysis center and bank, on the first floor and approximately 28,140 ft² on the second and third floors which include the operating theater, medical imaging, patient…

19001 North Scottsdale Road

19001 North Scottsdale Road

Stockdale Acquisitions, LLC owns a creative office and research & development building located at 19001 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ, and is looking for solutions to improve its building performance. Constructed in 2008, the building has a gross floor area of 372,000 ft2 with a site Energy Use Index (EUI) of 66.8 kBtu/ft2. The building…