Heartland Community College Agricultural Complex

Baumann Consulting is providing Enhanced Commissioning, Energy Consulting, and Sustainability Review services for Heartland Community College’s new Agricultural Complex in Normal, Illinois.

Heartland Community College’s new Agricultural Complex in Normal, IL features classrooms, offices, a flexible lab space, and an indoor greenhouse. The complex includes high-performance systems including low-temperature radiant slabs, triple-pane glazing, ground-source heat recovery chillers, and roof-mounted photovoltaic systems. The project achieved the IFLI Net Zero Energy certification.

The site program consisted of a stormwater retention pond, parking and service areas, hoop houses and gardens, test plots, an orchard, and an outdoor classroom.

Baumann Consulting provided enhanced and building envelope commissioning, energy modeling and consulting, and sustainability review services.

Baumann reviewed the MEP engineer’s energy model, and output throughout the design process, and developed a second energy model to validate the engineer’s model. Baumann was responsible for IFLI net-zero performance verification, and full scope envelope and MEP systems commissioning, including operation trend diagnostics.


Normal, IL
Higher Education
Legat Architects
32,258 ft² | 2,997 m²
Geordnete Inbetriebnahme | Commissioning, Inbetriebnahmemanagement & Technisches Controlling für Neubauten, Planungsoptimierung in frühen Projektphasen, Gebäudezertifizierungen, Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, Inbetriebnahmemanagement der Fassade, Simulationen
IFLI Net Zero Energy
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