Hospital Nobo Otrobanda

Baumann Consulting provided energy modeling, commissioning, and measurement and verification (M&V) services to optimize the building operation of Hospital Nobo Otrobanda located on Curacao Island.

Located on the Caribbean island of Curacao, near the northern coast of Venezuela, this is a modern hospital outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment which reaches back to the history, culture, climate, environment, and population of Curacao in all its facets.

This hospital was designed with sustainable and innovative solutions, resulting in an improved living environment and increased well-being now and in the future. The result is a healing environment, which can readily be adjusted and expanded to address future needs.

Baumann performed energy modeling and was able to show a reduction of 35% in annual energy costs compared to the baseline according to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Appendix G.

During the design phase of the commissioning process, the Baumann team identified the following issues:

  • Missing system redundancy for CHW supply as required in OPR
  • Close proximity of emergency generator exhaust flues to air-cooled chiller intakes grilles
  • Different sizing and location of utilities (bus bars, CHW, O2, NO2 pipes, and DHW) as designed by the teams for the central energy plant and hospital

In addition, Baumann performed measurement and verification to optimize the building operation of the hospital.


Curacao, Curacao Island
Ballast Nedam Infra BV
400,000 ft² | 37,150 m²
Geordnete Inbetriebnahme | Commissioning, Inbetriebnahmemanagement & Technisches Controlling für Neubauten, Planungsoptimierung in frühen Projektphasen, Technisches Monitoring, Simulationen
LEED v3 NC Gold
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